Leaving so soon? Oh well, I won't stop ya. Here are a few different links to other websites out there.
lemmykoopa.com Lemmy's Land; A Super Mario Brothers fansite revolving around the Koopalings. One of the bits of inspiration for this site.
www.lionking.org/~killer/ Killer's Korner; an All Dogs fansite with one heck of a message board. It revolves around that good-for-nothin', geeky Carface henchman, Killer, though.
kintarostiger.deviantart.com/ The Deviant Art page of a guy called KintarosTiger, who helped me with this site. (In actuality, it is the real webmaster's DA page)
vgmusic.com VG Music; A site chock-full of video game music MIDIs.
tygex.tripod.com/ Tygex World; an old site by KintarosTiger which ain't updated anymore. Some of the stuff there is so cheesy and poorly done, it's funny.
twitter.com/ADGTHItchy My Twitter page! (Note: Was done by someone else and is in no way affiliated with the real webmaster of this fan site)